Charles McGee

The Vast Majority of Genealogy Records Still Can’t Be Found Online: Here’s How to Locate Them

With billions of records now online, many of them free and open to all, is there really still an absolute need for offline research?

For our genealogical research to be considered thorough, does it have to be conducted offline, in an archive, courthouse, or library?

The short answer of course is “no” – depending on what we want to know.

But here’s the catch: we don’t know what we don’t know. In other words, if we haven’t visited a repository, how can we know what we’re missing? So, the long answer, tackled in this article, is a resounding “YES!” – offline research is a must. Maybe we won’t find the missing 90% of records proclaimed by the purists, but there’s no way the trip won’t be worth it.