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The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Needs Your Help Researching Old Newspapers

On March 22, 1933 The State in Columbia, South Carolina ran an article titled “Treatment of Jews by German Regime Stirs Washington” about the first Nazi concentration camp, Dachau. This early article covering the horrors of the Holocaust was one of countless published by U.S. papers in the 1930s and 40s. And now, a project from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is attempting to find them all.

Were Your Ancestors American Pioneers? Here’s How to Track Them Down Online

From Conestoga wagons on long, dusty trails to pioneers struggling for success on a homestead in Oregon – America’s westward expansion in the latter part of the 1800’s has long held promise for genealogists. There’s a lot to consider when investigating your ancestor’s movement into the American West, primarily because no singular resource or database has it all. In fact, the sheer number of options in this category can make for some very trying research, especially if you are new to the topic.

Searching for Lost Family: These Heartbreaking Ads by Former Slaves Are a Vital Genealogy Resource

Last Seen is a genealogy resource that is as heartbreaking as it is hopeful. Here you can search for personal ads, typically with the headline “Information Wanted,” that former slaves posted in newspapers around the United States and Canada in search of their children, parents, siblings, and friends who had been sold away before the end of slavery. These short newspaper clippings are transcribed for ease of searching and offer some amazing genealogical information. They also pack an emotional wallop!

MyHeritage is Offering Free DNA Ethnicity Reports to All Uploaders

MyHeritage has announced that they have released an updated 42 population Ethnicity Estimate and are offering it free to anyone who uploads their DNA. MyHeritage has been accepting free uploads of DNA and providing matching for some time but, until now, ethnicity reports were only available to those who purchased a MyHeritage DNA test. Now anyone who has already tested with Family Tree DNA, AncestryDNA or 23andMe can upload raw data to MyHeritage and get the Ethnicity Estimate without cost. Find the upload link and instructions in this article.

This Site Has Hundreds of Millions of UK and Irish Records No One Else Has

Are you one of the tens of millions of Americans whose heritage can be traced back to Britain, Ireland or both? If you are, you are not going to want to miss the collections at Findmypast. Among Findmypast’s 8 billion records are hundreds of millions of British and Irish records that you can’t find anywhere else online. And right now you can research these records for a full 50% off. That means an entire month for just $5 or $10 (depending on your level). Get the discount only in this post before it ends on Monday.

Have You Searched These Genealogy Photo Collections for Your Ancestors?

Are you lucky enough to have a collection of old photographs of your ancestors? A surprisingly small number of family historians are able to answer “yes” to this question — at least as it concerns ancestors who are more than a couple of generations removed. While most of us are certainly going to gain access to at least some photos held by family members during the course of our research, we are often limited to images of our most direct relations. But there are photos out there….just waiting to be found.

What is My Family Crest? How to Find Out Without Getting Fooled

Do you have a family crest in your tree? Is it associated with an entire family line or surname? Find out why, according to Jack Turton of The Coat of Arms Database, “family crest” is a misnomer and how to understand the actual meaning and history behind these symbols.