family tree template genealogy bank

Family Tree Template Finder: Free Printable Charts for Genealogy

Looking for a family tree template for your genealogy research, class project or to frame as a gift? We’ve done our research and come up with some free printable and interactive family tree templates that are perfect for just about any need. From interactive pedigree charts to simple trees designed to be filled in by hand, you’re sure to find the perfect match for your family history research project.

Please check out this updated article with four beautiful new family tree templates straight from Family History Daily

4 Family Tree Template Options

Please note that we are affiliate partners with some of the sites on this list and may earn a fee to support our work if you take advantage of certain services. 

family tree template family search

Make Instant Discoveries in Your Family Tree Now
Imagine adding your family tree to a simple website and getting hundreds of new family history discoveries instantly.

MyHeritage is offering 2 free weeks of access to their extensive collection of 20 billion historical records, as well as their matching technology that instantly connects you with new information about your ancestors. Sign up using the link below to find out what you can uncover about your family.

1. is absolutely the best location for most people to start their genealogy research online. Their massive collection of resources is 100% free and easy to use and their suite of tools is exceptional. They offer a simple and interactive way to create and print a family tree, with the choice of several attractive options, including the fan chart seen above. Sign up for a free account, enter in the names of your family and hit the print button. Straight-forward, smart and really quite fun. You can also find a wide selection of other printable charts on FamilySearch here.

printable family tree

2. Family Tree Templates

This site has a huge selection of free printable family tree templates, as well as editable PDFs that you can fill out on the computer and print off in completed form (for a small fee). Many of their pedigree chart designs are very imaginative and are perfect for class projects. They also have a wide variety of charts that would be good to frame as a gift.


family tree template genealogy bank

3. Genealogy Bank

Genealogy Bank, an extensive paid family history records service, offers a simple and elegant family tree template for free on their website. The editable tree is easy to download and use, and looks great printed. It does require you to have Microsoft Powerpoint or Open Office Impress installed on your computer (which is an excellent open source version of Powerpoint). You can download it and the whole Open Office suite on their site if you don’t already have one of these two programs.

20 Billion Genealogy Records Are Free for 2 Weeks
Get two full weeks of free access to more than 20 billion genealogy records right now. You’ll also gain access to the MyHeritage discoveries tool that locates information about your ancestors automatically when you upload or create a tree. What will you discover about your family’s past?

family tree ancestry

4., the well-known paid genealogy service, offers a variety of printable pedigree charts, including a simple four generation tree, family group sheet and some helpful research and source record pages. These charts are all free to print and use — so if you’re looking for something that will only take a minute to fill out these straightforward charts are perfect. If you already have a tree on ancestry, or want to create one, you can print easily from the interactive tree as well. You will need to create a free account to do that and Ancestry will try to sell you access to their records in the process, although it is optional.

3 thoughts on “Family Tree Template Finder: Free Printable Charts for Genealogy”

  1. I need a template which will permit listing essential information (b’dates, spouses names) on decendents from an individual six generations back. None of the “standard” forms seem to work. Can you help?

  2. Am really lost as to where to go to find information about my Great Grandad Emmanual or Manual Travertz.
    He originally is from Portugal.
    I hope you are able to help me.
    Thank you.

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