Help Using MyHeritage

Ancestry vs MyHeritage vs Findmypast: What’s the Difference and Which One is Best?

Ancestry, MyHeritage and Findmypast are the leaders in providing subscription-based genealogy records but a lot of people are confused about the differences between them. Which of these genealogy sites is the best? Which one has more records? Do they all offer family trees? Should you try all three or stick with one? What is the cost?

MyHeritage Finally Releases a Pedigree View in Their Family Tree: Here’s How to Access It

For many years, users of MyHeritage have requested a pedigree view of their family tree. For a subset of family historians who use this type of horizontal view in their research (standard in many other programs) the vertical family view MyHeritage offered was somewhat unpleasant to work with. However, MyHeritage seems determined to improve their platform in nearly every way possible and they have finally decided that a pedigree view is important. If you already have a family tree on MyHeritage you can access this new view on just about any device immediately. We show you how.

MyHeritage is Offering Free DNA Ethnicity Reports to All Uploaders

MyHeritage has announced that they have released an updated 42 population Ethnicity Estimate and are offering it free to anyone who uploads their DNA. MyHeritage has been accepting free uploads of DNA and providing matching for some time but, until now, ethnicity reports were only available to those who purchased a MyHeritage DNA test. Now anyone who has already tested with Family Tree DNA, AncestryDNA or 23andMe can upload raw data to MyHeritage and get the Ethnicity Estimate without cost. Find the upload link and instructions in this article.

How I Finally Broke Down a 10-Year-Old Brick Wall in 10 Minutes

I’ve been doing family history research for 20 years and, like everyone, I’ve encountered a few brick walls. Although I have been successful in breaking most of those down using solid research techniques, one or two remain. One in particular has haunted me for more than a decade – the parents of one of my 3rd great grandparents. Unable to locate this information I have had to leave this branch of my tree undeveloped.