Bridget M. Sunderlin, CG®

Finding the Hidden Clues in First Names: A Starter Guide

As original as a child’s first name might seem, it often offers clues into a family’s near and, sometimes, very distant past. Given names link generations of family through repetition and can be a powerful tool to push our research to greater depths. To shed an even brighter light on this research opportunity we must understand the influences behind naming traditions.

The Complete Guide to U.S. State Census Records by Year

During the late 1800s and early 1900s, many U.S. states conducted their own censuses. These schedules were taken in the space between the decades and are packed with information. In this guide you will find details about what these important documents contain, as well as a full list of every single state census and where you can search them for yourself.

Have Ancestry DNA Data? Use It On MyHeritage for Free

Whatever your reasons were for investigating your genetic past, the world of DNA research is always changing and there is always more to learn. If you have only tested with one company you may be missing out on incredibly valuable information that can help you grow your family tree. In this guide we are going to take a look at how you can use the MyHeritage DNA platform to discover cousins around the world at absolutely no cost.