Melanie Mayo

How to Look Up Military Records About Your Ancestors

Wondering how to look up military records for an ancestor that served in a U.S. conflict? These important records can contain unique insights into your family’s life, and even fill in the gaps when you are missing information in your tree. This quick guide will help you make sense of locating these one-of-a-kind collections online.

Feeling a Bit Overwhelmed by Your Research? Here’s Why

Family history research is one of the most popular hobbies on earth, and one of the most enjoyable. But it’s also easy to get overwhelmed by everything you’ve collected. Here’s why this might be happening to you, and how to fix it.

Where to Search for Free Obituaries Online

Whether you’re hoping to find the obituary, death or funeral notice of someone dear to you, or to uncover more facts about an ancestor, the following guide will help you locate the records you’re looking for.

This is the Fastest Way to Scan Your Old Photos, Period

Do you have boxes upon boxes and albums upon albums of old photos sitting somewhere at home? Whether they are prominently placed on a living room shelf, or tucked away and collecting dust in storage, it’s time to get those treasures digitized. And we’re here to make it easy.

How to Print Your Family Tree, and Why You Shouldn’t

When someone asks to see your family tree, what do you do? Your first instinct might be to go to your online tree and hit “Print.” But is printing your tree really the best option? In this article we’ll show you how to do it, and why you might be better served by finding another method.