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Genealogy Glossary: Confusing Research Terms and Their Meanings

Family history research is full of terms that you may never have encountered before you began constructing your tree. Every genealogist, no matter how experienced, will find themselves pulling out the dictionary as they dig deeper into history. One of our favorite resources to draw from when encountering a word or phrase that we have not heard before is …

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What I’ve Learned from “Working the Cemeteries”

I’ve loved cemeteries as long as I can remember. I think I became a genealogist just so I would have a good explanation for how often I visited them.  While I go mainly to take photos for Find A Grave or Billion Graves, I find other reasons as well; the calm, the time to think, the sense of history, etc. Over the years I’ve learned some great lessons while “working the graveyards” as my friend loves me to say. These tips and insights will definitely help new graveyard addicts and might even be useful for those of us who’ve “gone off the deep end” so to speak 😉

Chasing Rabbit Trails

Spring is in the air and lazy days of summer are in the immediate future.  My thoughts wander as I view fresh flowers sprouting and buds appearing on the trees.  In genealogy lessons, instructions are to create a research plan, stay focused and be diligent.  While I agree, when spring fever arrives I find it difficult to follow rigid schedules.  During my online searches from home and in research travels, I allow thirty minutes or so for random searches.  I call these mini sessions “Chasing Rabbit Trails.” Some trails are dead ends and some only lead to a rabbit hole. Amazingly, many of my proven lines began with randomly chasing a single clue.