Help and How-To

This is the Fastest Way to Scan Your Old Photos, Period

Do you have boxes upon boxes and albums upon albums of old photos sitting somewhere at home? Whether they are prominently placed on a living room shelf, or tucked away and collecting dust in storage, it’s time to get those treasures digitized. And we’re here to make it easy.

8 Things an Expert Would Definitely Do to Your Family Tree

Ever had an expert look at your tree? Professional genealogists often run family trees through a set of standard diagnostic tests and tweaks to improve them. We have created a list of the most important ones so you can apply them yourself. Use this list to examine your own research and see where you can make big improvements.

Why You Need to Stop Adding Names to Your Family Tree

Genealogy is a lot of things. It’s fun. It’s addictive. It’s time-consuming, engaging, and irresistible. It exercises your sleuthing skills, introduces you to new people and places, and occasionally gives you the satisfaction of really hard work paying off. But it can also lead you astray if you don’t keep your goals in mind.

7 Expert Ancestry Hacks You Need to Try Today

No matter how many years you’ve spent building your family tree on Ancestry, there’s always something new to learn. Whether it’s a brand new feature that’s just been introduced or a hidden gem you’ve never noticed, there are plenty of ways to improve your searches. Here are 7 tactics the experts use to get the most out of

How to Find and Use the Unique, Early U.S. Censuses of 1790 to 1830

In this guide we’re going to learn how to harness one of the most underused genealogical resources of the late 18th and early 19th centuries: the U.S. Censuses of 1790 to 1830. These gems can be a bit daunting with their tick marks and handwritten surnames, but they can contain some very helpful information when used correctly. 

10 Things You Should Never Do With an Old Photo + What to Do Instead

Old photos are a treasure indeed and, if you have one (or more), you want to be sure you keep your collection in the best possible condition for future generations to enjoy. We’ve gathered our ten best tips of what NOT to do with your old photographs so they survive to be treasured by your family’s next designated historian.