There’s no doubt that the landing of the Mayflower in the ‘New World’ in 1620 is one of the most important events in American history. Whether you know all of the facts about this historic voyage or not, discovering a connection to this iconic American event would be truly exciting for any family historian. Yet, most of us have never seriously considered that we may be descended from a Mayflower passenger. After all, what are the chances?
Turns out, they’re pretty darn good. Although there were only about 130 passengers on the Mayflower, and the number of individuals who left descendants is significantly less, it is estimated that more than 35 million individuals living today are direct descendants of those individuals.
The Mayflower Society, an association for those with proven Mayflower descent, lists 51 possible Mayflower ancestors. Although there are only approximately 25 individual male lines of descent from the Mayflower this list includes all passengers with known descendants, even those in the same family.
A proven direct line back to one of these individuals will allow you access to the society.
- John Alden
- Bartholomew Allerton
- Isaac Allerton
- Mary (Norris) Allerton
- Mary Allerton
- Remember Allerton
- Elinor Billington
- Francis Billington
- John Billington
- William Bradford
- Love Brewster
- Mary Brewster
- William Brewster
- Peter Browne
- James Chilton
- Mrs. James Chilton
- Mary Chilton
- Francis Cook
- John Cooke
- Edward Doty
- Francis Eaton
- Samuel Eaton
- Sarah Eaton
- Moses Fletcher
- Edward Fuller
- Mrs. Edward Fuller
- Samuel Fulle
- Samuel Fuller (son of Edward)
- Constance Hopkins
- Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins
- Giles Hopkins
- Stephen Hopkin
- John Howland
- Richard More
- Priscilla Mullins
- William Mullins
- Degory Priest
- Joseph Rogers
- Thomas Rogers
- Henry Samson
- George Soule
- Myles Standish
- Elizabeth Tilley
- John Tilley
- Joan (Hurst) Tilley
- Richard Warren
- Peregrine White
- Resolved White
- Susanna White
- William White
- Edward Winslow
These individuals certainly left their imprint on American history, William Brewster himself has tens of thousands of descendants.
But how do you know if you’re descended from one of them?
If you’re lucky enough to share a surname with someone on the list, you could start by carefully researching that line in your tree and seeing if you can make a connection. Of course, having the same surname is no guarantee that it came from a Mayflower passenger, but it’s certainly worth a check.
The vast majority of descendants, however, will not have a surname from this list. Marriage of female descendants means that you could be many, many generations removed from a surname connection.
If you suspect, or know, that you have early American roots you have a good chance of finding a Mayflower ancestor.
If you’re unsure whether or not you have early American lines you will need to go back a few generations on each line of your tree before beginning your Mayflower research. If you get past the major waves of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries on a family line — and your ancestors are still showing birth locations in the US — there is a good chance that at least some of that line continues far enough into the American past to be a candidate.
Don’t assume you do not have early American ancestry just because you have been told you are 100% Irish or that all of your ancestors came through Ellis Island. Family stories are often confused, incorrect or leave out important chunks of lost history — especially when it concerns female lines.
Find Out If You Are a Mayflower Descendant
Sadly, there is no free search online that will tell you if you connect to a Mayflower passenger, but American Ancestors from the NEHGS does offer a wonderful searchable database of more than half a million records of Mayflower descendants if you are a member. Read our article about that here.
There are also several free resources that can help you uncover a connection. Put your research hats on!
The first thing you will want to do is attempt to locate a line in your tree that could be connected. Again, look for suspected old American lines. You’ll want to get back to the early to mid 1800s using your own research, if possible, before beginning your search.
Now look at the sources below to see if you can match one of your ancestors to a known descendants.
Index to Descendants of Mayflower Passengers: This is a surname only index of individuals found in one of the Mayflower Families Through Five Generations volumes (see below for more information about this collection). If you have one of these surnames in your tree you have a better chance of locating a connection.
Read the Mayflower Descendant: This periodical from American Ancestors is published twice a year and contains highly respected research concerning Mayflower families and their descendants.
Check HathiTrust: Hathitrust, a free online research library also offers a wide variety of publications containing descendants. You can also do a general search for your ancestors with the word “Mayflower” to locate potential connections. For more information on using this huge resource read this article.
Search Google: You can also manually search out each of your suspected Mayflower connected ancestors online in Google. Try typing in an early American name, preferably pre 1850, with the words Mayflower, Mayflower ancestry, Mayflower descendants or other related terms and you may just get lucky and stumble across someone else who has already made the connection. Don’t forget to verify all of your sources and never use someone else’s research inappropriately (such as by copying and pasting into your own tree without permission).
Once you think you have a connection you can do more research on verified lines.
There are several main sources of accurate Mayflower descendant information, but most of them are not easily accessible online.
The most important and respected is the Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, a multi-volume collection also known as the Silver Books, published by The General Society of Mayflower Descendants (which the surname index above pulls its information from).
The original books contained information about the first five generations of descendants from the Mayflower passengers, but new information is being added to this collection all of the time. Look here for all of the published information and ordering details. There is also a good list of all volumes here, with links to ordering information for each volume on Amazon.
If purchasing your needed volume is not possible or desired you may be able to locate it at a local library or research center. Check WorldCat to find a copy in your area or discover how to access the volumes through the Family History Library. You can also request a free lookup of your ancestor in these books and other sources from Ancestral Findings.
Again, you can use Hathitrust as well to access established lines in various publications, or search for your potential connection in Google to locate a location or family based project with published, accurate genealogies.
Once you are sure you have a valid connection to an established line, continue your research until you can create a complete line of descent from the Mayflower passenger to yourself. Include names, dates of birth and death and marriage information. Attach sources such as birth, marriage and death records or published family histories.
Once you have this information collected you can ask the General Society of Mayflower Descendants to prove your ancestry. It will cost you $25 but, if proven, you will have documented lineage to a Mayflower passenger and qualify for membership.
These are only a few of the resources online for researching Mayflower ancestors. There are a huge variety of forum posts, published genealogies, family and surname based research groups, state based resources and more online. Once you make a tentative connection, use the power of Google or your favorite search engine to locate more resources to help you in your research. Find some great tricks and tips for getting the most out of a Google search for genealogy here.
If you are a Mayflower descendant we would love to hear your story of discovery and learn of any resources that helped you. Please post them in the comments.
By: Melanie Mayo | Editor, Family History Daily
I have traced my family tree back to john Alden & Priscilla Mullins. They are my 10th g grandparents. Their son Joseph B Alden was my 9th grandfather. From there is is Isaac Alden 8th, Ebenezer 7th, the a daughter Abigail Alden (Byram) 6th, Anna Byram (Tichenor) 5th, Jared Isaac Tichenor 4th, Annie Anna Tichenor 3rd, Sallie Ann Tichenor (Maddox) 2nd, James E Maddox 1st, Herman Peay Maddox, sr. (My grandfather).
Where do I start to become a member of the Mayflower descendants? This seems like it would be impossible. If there is anyone that is part of the line and has some of the documentation to get started, would love to have some information.
I’m descended from William Brewster through his daughter Patience. I’m also descended from Stephen Hopkins and his daughter Constance. There may be others.
Really? Why isn’t Myles Standish on your list? My uncle’s (through marriage) mother was Melba Standish Sampson (Samson)
My name is Judy. I am also a decedent of Edward Fuller and Samuel Fuller. I have a family history that traced it back from the 1930’s that verifies this.
Hi. These are also my descendants, but I have no idea how to get copies of what the mayflower society needs to prove it. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
I would love to know more about this Bible. I would love to see if any of my ancestors might be mentioned in it. Would love to hear from you.
Our family was best friends with the John Smalley family of Canoga Park CA. He passed, but think his daughter is living. Sounds like he must be part of this line you speak of?
I thought this was kinda wild- My name is Cindy Renee Beesinger and my 11th great grandmother was Constance Hopkins. How coincidental we are both name Cindy Renee. I also, have Wood as a surname in my genealogy.
Just found out through cemetery records that I’m descended from Edward and Samuel Fuller through my maternal great grandmother whose name was Birdie Naomi Fuller Pecord. It listed on her memorial that she was a 10th generation person in the Fuller family genealogy. I was able to trace it back to Edward who was the 1st generation listed and his son Samuel who was the 2nd generation. Her daughter Nina P. Vogan was my grandmother and her daughter Evelyn was my mother.
He is my 9th. Just discovered it tonight through family
I am related to Myles Standish, which I discovered through my great grandma Mazie Standish, dau. of Luther, son of Riley, son of Nathan from the five generations book.
Edward Doty is my 10th great-grandfather
I’m a descendent as well! 🎉🎉 Any chance you could send me a photo of that bible?? Please…🙏 and thankyou!
Same here!🎉
My name is Dori, I’m a descendent of W. Brewster also! 🎉
I had 16 ancestors on the Mayflower–8 direct and 8 collateral. One of my cousins joined the Mayflower Society years ago, but I have not done so yet.
Hello. My name is Jacob Long. And a descendent of William Brewster. We even have his Bible and all families it has been passed down to
I am a descendent of William Brewster. Also have the bible the owned and passed down from generation to generation from my family. Please contact me if this interests you
Hi I am a decedent also of william bradford DNA test
Stephen Hopkins is my 10th great grandfather and his son Giles Hopkins is my 9th great grandfather. Giles’ daughter, Abigail Hopkins Merrick, is my 8th great grandmother. Although she did not arrive on the Mayflower, Alice Southworth Bradford, William Bradford’s second wife, was my 10th great grandmother. Her son, Constant Southworth, was my 9th great grandfather. The widowed Alice Southworth married widowed William Bradford shortly after she arrived on the Anne in 1623. Four of my other ancestors arrived on the Anne as well in 1623 including Francis Sprague and his daughter, Mercy Sprague Tubbs (my 9th great grandfather and 8th great grandmother) and Stephen and Tryphosa (Lee) Tracy (my 10th great grandparents).
That’s my line too ! Nanci McLennan, Calgary, Canada
realated through Nova Scotia lines… mostly Freemans
I want to know how unique it is to be related to 11 passengers from 6 families plus Robert Cushman who planned the voyage.
What is the most amount of passengers on person has been related to?
I am related to
Edward Doty
Francis Eaton
Richard Warren
James Chilton
Chilton’s wife name unknown
William White
Susanna White
Resolved White
Isaac Allerton
Mary (Norris) Allerton
Mary Allerton
Maybe that is a lot…not sure.
Best part is I am not done yet.
Katherine Miller – Edward and Mary Bosworth left England on the Elizabeth and Dorcas , arrived in Plymouth in 1634, Edward died as the ship was close to land, I am of the Jonathan Bosworth line. Jonathan married Hannah Howland,. The Bosworth’s go back to Market Bosworth and lived within a ten mile radius, and the name Bosworth goes back before 1066 to approximately to the year 500.
Hi.. I’m trying to establish my decendancy
From William Brewster. From what I have now.. my line comes from Patience Brewster Pence. Who is your line?
Hi my name is Cindy Renee Wood of Albuquerque New Mexico Constance Hopkins was my 11th Great Grandmother
Yes! Many descendants are in Nova Scotia!
In fact Moses Perry helped found Yarmouth!
William and Mary Brewster are my 10th great grandparents, my lineage is on
I know this post is 3 years old but I have just discoverd by DNA matches and a family tree that I have cousins who are descendants of the Mayflorwer. On my family tree I have William Brewster and his descendants, and other surnames sucha as Freeman, Snow, Chew, Treat and Hopkins, My great great grandmother was from Harwich Essex Enlgand where the capitan and the ship were built but that could just be a coincidence. I don´t have any documents apart from DNA matches and a family tree with over 21,000 family members but a DNA site called My Heritage has given me access to obituries and publications with these people mentioned. Although they are not direct decendants I do share a common ancestor with these people somewhere down the line in history which makes them distant cousins. I also have a lot of ancestors who were Puritans, Quakers and just about every religion going with many clergy and also a lot of European nobility from the other side of the family , mainly Plantagenent, German , Italian and Eastern European royalty, My Haplogroup is H3 which does tie in with many German nobility and all the geographical locations coincide too,
I’m related to William Brewster thru Moses Perry but still trying to source it all to join the Mayflower Society!
I too am descended from John Alden and Priscilla Mullins through John Quincey Adams. I would love to connect the dots if any of you have more information. The ancestor with whom I am most familiar is John Henry Miller Jr. of Pontotoc North Mississippi. I would love to be able to compare the DNA records of we, the survivors to see if there are any traits which predominate in people in this bloodline. I have a natural gift for writing, less at painting, love the process of learning but now have difficulty remembering. So greetings to all my cousins, I hope we are by and large all honourable people! Wendy
Try East Anglia in England, Norfolk specifically, although there are lots of Warrens in Sussex.
William and Mary Brewster are my 11th great grandparents… family history is awesome!
Primary source material is very hard to come by from that period. The Mayflower Society probably has all of those records in their library., the trick is letting them let you look at it! Great advice though. Cemetery records are a great idea!
That’s pretty cool! Can you tell me more things?
I am a descendant of Edward Doty via his son Isaac, grandson Isaac, great grand dtr Mary, her son Jacomiah and his son Stephen Seaman. Stephen came to Wallace NS with his family who were Loyalists. His dtr Katherine Margaret Seaman married Robert Trenholm. she was born in 1778 ca in Dutchess Couny, NY. I think I need a document with her and her dad’s name on it, in order to be acceptd by the Mayflower Society. Help would be appreciated as I don’t know where to look or ask in the US. Thanks. Sharon Reid.
Dawn I just found out that Thomas Rodgers granddaughter( Mary Rogers) married my 9th great grandfather John Phinney. Small world.
Documentation may not always be correct. With DNA easily accessible to all, it’s time MayFlower Organisations and Societies accept DNA proof, watch the cat amongst the pigeons!
John Billington is also my 10th Great grandfather so it would seem 🙂
You mention Moses Fletcher, but none of the resources you mention works him. His descendants aren’t here in America, but back in Leiden. The Mayflower Society and NEHGS database are no help for Moses descendants.
I am the direct descendant of William Bradford, John and Priscilla Mullins Alden and other passengers on the Mayflower. I was accepted into the GSMD in 2002. People may claim to be a descendant, of a Mayflower passenger but proving it is something else.
I think that’s 11th great grandfather on my father’s side is Richard Warren.. My father was passed on our lineage through a great aunt of his,before she passed away.. He spent alot of time on genealogy pages,, etc, to post our connection to the signature on the Mayflower Pact. So, I guess that makes us related go the same people on the Mayflower… It’s always interesting to find someone with the same lineage, because Richard Warren isn’t mentioned in most I hear….Its hard finding anything on his family in England… very hard… The reason I believe it’s so hard, is because we’ve been searching the wrong country… I believe he was from Scotland, and that’s why it’s hard tracing before him… I can’t prove it yet, but I’ve been trying for a long time.
As children we were told that our ancestor came over on the Mayflower. He was George Soule and our great grandfather was Micah S. Soule daughter Gertrude F. Soule was our grandmother. We are following the family tree and researching at this time with
I am a direct decendant of Myles Standish. He is my 11th great grandfather on my mom’s side of the family.
Not if u want proof. They offer viewing of documents but without proof of where documents came from it really doesn’t prove to be a real document. Try tracing back using County archives and church records. My favorite method is to call cemeteries when u find an ancestors grave easiest research task ever!
Not if u want proof. They offer viewing of documents but without proof of where documents came from it really doesn’t prove to be a real document. Try tracing back using County archives and church records. My favorite method is to call cemeteries when u find an ancestors grave easiest research task ever!
I am a descendant of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilly x2 11 generations between the two lines… First line is Desire Howland married John Gorham and second line is Hannah Howland married Johnathan Bosworth…
Love the story of John almost dieing on way.. Sadly he didn’t make it the firat winter nor did his wife.. Well definitely related to a few people here and my Aunt has already got letter stating we are descendents sense she did all research and verified by 2or more documents and sources..
I have a long big family tree that goes back to 1151 England Roger Tempest, oldest known ancestor at the moment.. Lots of family crests from lots of different places, polish, Scottish, german, french, Irish, oh and yes English…
Mahieu/Delano/Cooke/Tomson , Mary wife 1623-1715 of Lt. John Tomson (Huguenot) Walloon, Gallic Celtic. + Jl , gateway ,10th great grand son Francis Cooke, still hold markers,boundary and land, w,graves ancestral until future, as Heir Father to son from Francis the Mary & John, to my mothers to me, to my daughter and hers in the future. Happy ST. Valentines . ( for other Mayflower,G.G.Drghtrs.)
I question the information they gather, it’s nice for conversation but I wonder about accuracy. Mine has changed twice.
I am the descendant of three Mayflower members. John Cooke, Francis Cooke, and Richard Warren. I was unaware of this till I opened Relitive finder. It is an application from Brigham Young University. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and my genealogy is well established.
My lineage is also traced to John Billington! ? Hello brothers and sisters!
Consider Cushman,
We are related threw the Cushman family. I just found out about Robert Cushman born 3/31/1594 being the man behind getting the Mayflower set in 1620. I have traced the family all the way back to Thomas Cushman born 1512 in England. Cushman is my Dad’s–Mom’s -Grandfather’s family name. They have great history.
From The Goodell side
i am leon brewster of baxters harbour nova scotia
Descendant of Isaac and Remember Allerton. Isaac is my 10th grandfather.
While I am South African, my US heritage is via my gt gt gran, Betsy Hale Underwood,
of Boston.
Wow, me too! Doing some research on and just found out that Elder William Brewster is my 11th Great-grandfather through his daughter Patience. I need to get a lot of paper work to join the Mayflower Society.
John billington was my 10th great grandfather
Constance Hopkins was also my 10th grandmother. Then her daughter Sarah Snow then John Walker. So we have the first bit in common. How fun! Between Constance and me there are 8 women so the names change quite a bit.
My dad, now deceased, is a Mayflower Descendant and I have his certificate. I really need to join the Mayflower Society. How do I go about doing this? I am a descendent of Governor William Bradford.
I found a family history that said my double great grandmother “could trace her ancestry back to John and Priscilla Alden of the Mayflower.” It was great news, except that double-great grandma was a Jones. I was having trouble tracing her back further (a Jones! I mean, really!), but I traced the Alden family forward and found a Jones family in the “Silver Books” that lived in Eastport, Maine – the same place she was born. This gave me something to work with and and after a little more digging, I could connect the two sections of the family. I still don’t know if my document trail is sufficient for the Mayflower Society, but I am working on it. The DAR lineages have been helpful, too, though they’re only back to the Revolution, but that’s about halfway. Many of the DAR patriots would fit (time-wise) into the Silver Books or they’re just a single generation away.
One of Myles Standish’s sons, Alexander, married one of the Alden daughters, Sarah, so both men can still be ancestors of OP Julie.
I just discovered that Francis Cooke is my 10th great grandfather through Jane Cooke Mitchell.
I am a Mayflower descendant of Henry Sampson now spelled Samson from England on my dad’s side of the family
I am also related to Priscilla Mullins, 10 ggm on my mother’s side. Little did I know when I was in 8th grade that I played the part of my 10th great grandmother in a school play “The Courtship of Myles Standish”. Or that my mother sewed my pilgrim’s outfit for the play about her 9th great grandmother. When I came across that fact it really floored me.
Also related to William Brewster, 10th great grandfather on my mother’s side.
George Soule is my 9th great grandfather on my dad’s side.
Elizabeth Sprauge’s daughter, Martha Sampson, married Nathaniel Fuller III descendant of the passenger Francis Fuller, Francis Eaton, and Francis Billington.
I have discovered three people who were aboard the Mayflower that are direct ancestors.
John Alden, Priscilla Mullins and Edward Winslow are all on my mothers side of the line.
I am still researching and have been 16 years at this off & on as my life permitted, but to be honest I did not expect to find much of interest.
I was amazed at who I was descended from, I recognized names from history but they meant little to me until I discovered John Alden & Priscilla Mullins.
These were people I had read about in grade school, watched in old movies and it never entered my mind that I would be part of their line over three centuries after they had lived.
Constance Hopkins, daughter of Stephen Hopkins, is my 10th great grandmother – I am related through the Snows down thru Mary Smalley and her Grand Daughter who married Benjamin Smalley 1694. The Smalley line is direct to this day–interesting.
I am a descendant of John Billington, the first man executed when they arrived in America. My grandmothers surname was Billington, which continues on her brothers side of the family. We found this out through years ago.
It seems to me this list only includes the passengers of the first Mayflower voyage. Is that correct?
George Soule is my 11th great grandfather. Unfortunately it’s 4 generations outside the DNA limit. I’d love to find a DNA connection but it’s too distant. I also possibly have Samuel Fuller, but he is also too distant for DNA. I keep hoping for matches to his male descendants but nothing yet.
I am possibly descended from Samuel Fuller. It’s been tough to figure out. I’m stuck on Jabez Fuller (1791), who based on his name, should definitely be a descendant, but the census records have his birth location as Rhode Island. Yet he was living in Massachusetts most of his life, and his son I descend from was born in MA. Most of the Fullers stayed in MA for generations, and had a bunch of Jabezes. There’s definitely a connection.
Judy Bohn- I am also related to the LeBarons on my mother’s side. Cynthia LeBaron married Luther Tillson, my 3x great grandparents. I also have both Brewster and Bradford lines. We are most likely distant cousins. What are your LeBaron lines?
There is a Canadian Society of Mayflower Descendants:
and more specific groups known as colonies.
The only active colony is the Nova Scotia Colony of Mayflower Descendants, no doubt due to the migration from New England ca 1760 and perhaps some of the Loyalists may have been descendants as well.
The surnames in the south shore counties of Nova Scotia are the same as those in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Hi Susan, I’m descended through Hope Howland too, through her daughter Elizabeth.. I’m on gedmatch too, if you want to compare.
Can you tell me more about the DNA test? I believe I am also related to William Brewster, but I’m having a hard time proving it to the Mayflower Society. Did they except your DNA results as proof for the lineage?
Hello I’m excited to say I’m related to Peregrene White he’s my 9th Grt Grandfater. My fathers parents died when he was 2 and he only knew of 2 great aunts names so the search began oh I forgot back when I was little 1963 I was 8 and I remember my mom telling me she remembered hearing a story from my dads family came over on the Mayflower I said oh right , forgot all about it. I started finding little bits here and there, geni,etc then I had to stop. My mom passed away and I was broken ,you see I hadn’t lived with her since I was 12 because of health reason I was put in orphanage then later foster homes so I was filling like an orphan again when she passed 2 days before Thanksgiving 2015 it hit me hard and I just couldn’t do my ancestry so I cancelled it then March 5 ,2018 I stared it up again with my Great Gma she has a Beautiful name Millie Blossom Cartwright and I liked it so much I just kept searching her line and there I found him but still didn’t know who he was my husband told me the first name was a kind of bird and when I looked it up sure enough it is but it also said who he was child born on Mayflower WOO HOO ITS AMAZING AND IM SO PROUD.Sorry I rambled but it is a Great Find.,Thanks for reading,LindaSue
Hi Alison. During my research on Mayflower descendants, I saw your post of your 10th great grandfather. I noticed your last name of Terry. My father’s mother also carries Terry as her maiden name. I was curious to see if we may also be related. My Terry line is as follows: my grandmother Helen B Terry married Edward McPhillips . My great grandfather on her side is Edwin R Terry who married Annette H Moore. Edwin’s father was William T Terry who married Julia Atkinson I hope you receive this message if you do my email is [email protected]. I live in the US. My name Terry McPhillips
(Son Samuel, not brother)
Just found out today(!) that I am a descendant of Edward Fuller and Samuel Fuller. Research done by both my brother and my aunt through two separate subscription services have verified this.
Hi Carol Patterson~ do u know any info on Edward Doty? I understand he was 20 yr old indentured servant to Stephen Hopkin(s) coming over on Mayflower. My grandmother Mathis who lived in South Dakota was a relative of Edward Doty.
I just found out my grandmother Mathis descended from Edward Doty. It appears her relatives stayed in USA-going West to South Dakota.
Edward Doty & Faith Clarke are ancestors of mine too
I have learned that I am a direct descendant from Edward Doty & Faith Clarke on my father’s mother’s side. Her last name was Mathis.
Interesting, her husband’s last name was Denholm (not Trenholm, but close!) I understand there is a Denholm, Ontario. My G, G, G, etc Grandparents seem to all have stayed in USA, going out West.
About 28 years ago I discovered through my research that my husband was descended from 10 Mayflower families. I first proved his line of descent from Miles Standish to the satisfaction of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and I got him membership in that Society and the California Mayflower Society as well. Then I proved my husband’s supplemental lines from John Alden, Isaac Allerton, William Brewster, Francis Cooke, Stephen Hopkins, John Howland, William Mullins, George Soule, and John Tilley. Now here it is all these years later and I just discovered that my husband is also descended from Edward Doty and Henry Samson. I am now in the process of proving those lines, too. I remember how exciting it was to find out that my husband and children had numerous Mayflower connections. I am now trying to educate my grandchildren about this.
A recent obsession on tracking and verifying family tree lines on has led to the unexpected result that I have Mayflower ancestors — William Brewster and then three different lines back to Stephen Hopkins, one through son Giles and two through daughter Constance. But all these connections come through families who have lived in Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia, since 1750s and 1760s. They were “Planters” attracted from Massachusetts to Nova Scotia for land grants just before the Revolution. Don’t know if there is a Canadian or Nova Scotian branch of the Mayflower descendants, but clearly judging from my own family history and some others related here, some of the 35 million Mayflower descendants are Canadians!
I descend from John Howland and his wife Elizabeth Tilley (and of course her parents) that I know so far. I descend from John and Elizabeth’s daughter Hope, through her daughter Hope. I’d love to compare DNA on GEDmatch.
My grandmother’s grandfather was Edward Nathaniel Fuller. I am a direct descendant of Captain William Fuller who moved from Virginia to Maryland where he became first Governor of Maryland for a very brief time. He was involved in the skirmish at Severn Bridge where British soldiers were killed. He then left Maryland with a price on his head and moved to Charleston, SC with his wife, Sarah Martiau, daughter of Nicholas Martiau, the French Huguenot who was also an ancestor of George Washington. Is my family connected to Edward Fuller on the Mayflower?
My grandmother’s grandfather was Edward Nathaniel Fuller. I am a direct descendant of Captain William Fuller who moved from Virginia to Maryland where he became first Governor of Maryland for a very brief time. He was involved in the skirmish at Severn Bridge where British soldiers were killed. He then left Maryland with a price on his head and moved to Charleston, SC with his wife, Sarah Marteau, daughter of Nicholas Martiau, the French Huguenot who was also an ancestor of George Washington. Is my family connected to Edward Fuller on the Mayflower??
My Mayflower ancestors are William Bradford, Stephen Hopkins and Constance Hopkins. I hope to find something on my husbands side but it’s very hard to find information on his side.
How intersesting!! Thomas is also my 10th greatgrandfather. I live in Toronto Ontario
I am also a descendant of John Alden, that branch also has a Samuel Fuller.
Myles Standish is the man who tried to take Priscilla from John. It’s John and Priscilla Alden…
Susan i am also a descendant of Resolved White through the Wheeler family. How did you research and testing go?
I’m a direct descendant of 4 Mayflower Pilgrims. Mary Allerton and Thomas Cushman are my 11th great grandparents. We’re related to Richard Warren down the line as his great grand daughter married a Cushman. I’m also related to John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley on my father’s side via their daughter Elizabeth.
As for the Cushmans, there is a book by Henry Wyles Cushman that documents the family for a few generations beyond the Silver Books. There is a ton of info online about the Cushmans.
I have just started my journey with the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. I need to gather a few more birth, death, and marriage certificates. Being a Cushman, we have known about this lineage for quite some time, but have waited until the time was right to start the application process. It was a pleasantsurprise to find info on both sides of my tree.
If you’re interested in the process, do what this site says. Type up the list of names, dates, and places and submit it to the GSMD in your state. I did the synopsis for free, then paid the $150 fee to begin the actual application process and work with their historian.
Happy researching!
Hello Cousin I’m ?? From Southampton UK.
Hello Cousin!
My 10th GreatGrandfather was Thomas Rogers born 1570.. Pilgrim Forefather.
I live in Southampton England, and was born in Southampton-where many famous Ships set sail, I come from a Shipping Family!
Drive by the Mayflower Memorial frequently, she set Sail 1620.
Thomas Rogers didn’t make it, died in 1621 on his Journey to the NEW World!
His Son Joseph Rogers did survive and other Family who also.
I have a lot of Ancestors from Northampton Bedfordshire areas.. Neals, Pitman, related to me via the Richardson line!
I live in Moline IL and just found out I am descended from William Bradford
My 10th great grandpa was Gov. William Bradford. I got real excited as I was going back and started to see some born in Plymouth.
I am also related to Myles Standish is my 9th great grandfather and John Alden
My 9th great grandfather are Myles Standish and John Alden
My 9th great grandfather was Capt. Thomas Blossom, who bought the Speedwell, sister ship of the Mayflower. After the Speedwell returned twice due to leaking, 11 passengers boarded the Mayflower, leaving 20 to return to London. He did finally immigrate on the Mayflower (not the same ship) in 1629.
Another 9th great grandfather, Thomas Goffe, is said to have been an owner of the Mayflower. However, he was not onboard when the ship made the infamous voyage.
So thus far, I have not found an ancestor who actually travelled on the Mayflower. But I’ll keep searching.
Hello. I have recently found out that my paternal grandmother Phyllis Taylor is a descendant of Peregrine White… I have yet to accumulate the documentation but look forward to finding out more… this makes us distant cousins Mr. Miller…
I’m also a descendant of Edward Fuller! Along with connections to the Aldens, and Richard Warren!
I’m willing to share what I have.
I am interested!
When I was a child, first showing an interest in the family history, I asked my maternal grandparents what they knew. They gave me a copy of the Alden family crest to draw a copy. When I was drawing later, my father asked me where I got it. I told him from my maternal grandparents. He exclaimed that the Aldens were his ancestors, as well! So BOTH of m parents claim Alden ancestry!
I am a direct descendant of Edward Fuller. I also have family stories of connection to the Aldens, Richard Warren, etc.
I’m willing to share what I have for the same.
me to just found that Mary Soule is related to me thru the Hall family in East Liverpool Ohio !
I’m bragging, and really almost in disbelief. I’ve done some research and found I’m directly related to over 20 Mayflower passengers.
My 6th Great Grandparents are Edmund Hodges and Rachael Godfrey (this has been confirmed by the Mayflower Society) However I am having some difficulty proving the Hodges line down to me.
Are there any other people who are related to these Mayflower descendants??? Would love to hear from you. They were born in Massachusetts but died in Canada.
Does the Mayflower Society actually allow DNA evidence as proof ?? When I wrote to them they said they needed actual birth certificates, death certificates etc etc. I believe I am a descendant from William Bradford, but still require the above mentioned documents( I have some but not all)
I am also a descendant of William White through his son Resolve White. I am in the process of doing my DNA testing.
I found out a few years back that William Brewster was one of my great grandfathers after my ma took a DNA test. I say one of them as the number of “greats” is too long to count.
I recently did a DNA test with ancestry and connected with a cousin who indicates she has connected my father’s mother – Stella May Pike to Stephen Hopkins. Way cool as I did not know anything about my Dad’s side of the family. I haven’t seen her research but we’re working on sharing info. Happy Thanksgiving ! It has a new significance for me thinking that my relatives were there at the beginning. Would love any info. about the Hopkins connection to the Pike family. Thanks, Ellen
That’s South Harpswell Maine. Daddy was from Lewiston
We had Elizabeth’s Mayflower report card in my fathers safe; disappeared when he died. My father was John M Hyde. His Grandmother was Emma Muncey(sister of Frank A Muncey). I believe their mother’s maiden name was Hopkins. I’ve been told since I was a child that I am a descendent of Stephen Hopkins. The Hydes of coastal Maine are descendants.
We are also descendants of John Howland (12 great grandfather) and Elizabeth Tilly. My paperwork is being reviewed at this time also. Had to get a few death certificates, but it was a shock to stumble across this connection.
Doing family research on my fiancé and ended up finding out John Howland is his 11th great grandfather. Excited for this Thanksgiving, first because we will be married on the 25th, but mostly because we are hosting Thanksgiving with my family and my grandfather is Creek Indian. The thought of the “Pilgrim and the Indian” having dinner together makes me happy.
I’m related to several Mayflower passengers. Recently joined the Mayflower society through the Utah chapter. Was a lot of work but worth it. John Howland is my 9th Great-grandfather. Just sent my application to join the Pilgrim John Howland Society.
A couple of years ago, I went to Rock Island County, Illinois where my mom was born. It was at the Historical Society that I found a lineage paper my grandmother Mae Peterson did for her grandson. It listed the lineage to Theodore Simmons. which is my 2nd great grandfather. He married Sarah Catharine Gorham, which is a descendant of John Gorham who married Desire Howland, the first daughter of John and Elizabeth Howland. When I put the names in it took me to John Howland. I will soon join the General Society of Mayflower Descendants after more than a year of getting documents. I have learned a lot in the last couple of years.
I too have John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley in my direct lineage. Hope their daughter married John Chipman also on the Mayflower. My mom is a Chipman.
Distanctly related?
I too have John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley in my direct lineage. Hope their daughter married John Chipman also on the Mayflower. My mom is a Chipman.
Distanctly related?
Hope Howland, daughter of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley married John Chipman. Direct descendants of my mother. All three from the Mayflower. Related?
John Howlands daughter Hope married John Chipman, he too was on the Mayflower. My mums side of the family, she was a Chipman. Related?
Am a descendant too from the Howland. My mum was a Chipman. John Howlands daughter Hope married John Chipman. He was on the Mayflower too. So tree direct ancestors. We should be related!
I discovered my lineage to the Mayflower as l was searching for my grandfather’s family the Chipmans in Toronto. He left Toronto as a young man, settled in Northern Rhodesia now Zambia. His children had no connection with his Canadian side of the family after his death. Killed by a buffalo at the age of 54 years, in 1935. His father Willis Chipman was a well known Canadian Engineer, unknown to us. Through Google and MyHeritage l found My great grandfather Willis Chipmans biography which leads to the Mayflower, John Chipman married Hope Howland who was the daughter of John Howland and Elisabeth Tilley. So my direct ancestors are from the Howland, Tilley and Chipman family lineage, what amazing discoveries. Many mighty names here, l found. They founded today’s America. Proud to be a decent.
Hi, I think these people are on my family tree if others have it right. I am trying to verify that this is true. I am rather new to this, I am using ancestry . Com and have done the dna Test . I would love to correspond with you or anyone else that can help in this search.
I to am a descendant of the Mayflower. Edward Fuller down through the Fullers to the Lanes. The Fuller lineage is in what they call the Silver book, so i need to start with the lane lineage marrying the Fuller Lady Sarah.
Ideas on where to start to find marriage license and birth records ?
On ancestory .com several are shown but copys i suppose > do i need a copy of original i suppose and where to find?
Any help appreciated.
Linda Rawley Moss
Looking for descendants of Edward Fuller and Richard and Sarah lane (1702)
william bradford is my 10 x great grandfather on my mommas side, and i am of the firstborns..first of first of first all the way back to william bradford. so cousin…..
we have been approved for decades and members of mayflower society , dar sar and whatever else grandmother held precious.
he is one of my 10 x grandfathers. on my mommas side of family.
jross i too have doty edward as direct ancestor. i am first born of firstborn of all my ancestral strains.
doty fuller and bradford are mine and more i donot have at fingertips at present.
darrell you are my cousin via doty and fuller…wow hay cousin!!!
i am direct 10 times great granddaughter firstborn of firstborn of firstborn all the way back of william bradford, and same samuel fuller, edward doty and total 8 families from mayflower with proof we dug to find and went crosseyed finding. it was fun.
Using Relative Finder and my tree on Family Search, I was able to determine that I have a handful of ancestors from the Mayflower in there. I was most shocked to learn that I am a descendant of both William Bradford and William Brewster. I lived in Plymouth, MA most of my life and had no idea!
My ninth- great grandfather SIGNED the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE!!!! -Stephen Hopkins
I am a direct descendent of Elser William Brewster through his daughter Patience, so I guess that makes him my 10 great grandfather!
I would be very interested to find out how to become a member of the Mayflower Society!
Do you know if Constance’s brother Giles’ has any direct male line descendants?
Do you know if Constance’s brother Giles’ has any direct male line descendants?
Do you know if Constance’s brother Giles’ has any direct male line descendants?
Looking for direct male descendants of Stephen Hopkins via Giles or other recognized silver book line…. but I think Giles is the only one. Looking also for direct male descendants of unrecognized line via John Hopkins born England 1613, died Hartford, CT. He claimed to be Mayflower Stephen’s son but is directly disavowed in the silver books. John had two children: Bethia and Stephen. I am from Bethia m1 Stocking m2 Steele. If Giles son of Mayflower Stephen and Stephen son of John and putatively grandson of Mayflower Stephen both have direct male line descendants, then DNA test could finally solve the silver book controversy!!! Love to hear from anyone on this.. as to known existence of direct male line on either lineage: recognized Giles or unrecognized John.
Searching on findagrave, I noted that John’s descendants through his son Stephen (brother of Bethia Hopkins Stocking Steele) almost always name a child Stephen and several findagrave bios claim the Mayflower ancestry, so the family oral history tradition is strong despite the silver book directly disavowing it.
Last people in the Stephen-John-Stephen line I could find were Edwin Carmi Hopkins jr and Herbert Hubert Hopkins but can’t tell if they have heirs or if they are still living.
I have just discovered that Daniel White, son of Peregrine White is my 9th Great Grandfather. That make’s Peregrine my 10th Great Grandfather. All these through my paternal grandmother Ellen Secor, 1875-1914, of Elkhart , Indiana.
I am a descendant of Stephen Hopkins, his son Giles, and William Brewster.
Somewhere along the line, probably around 1725, a Hopkins descendant married a Brewster descendant and their daughter married into the Newton family which were not Mayflower passengers, but early settlers of the Marlborough, MA area. The Newtons moved to the Barre, MA area due to land grants given there. My grandmother was Harriet F. Newton.
I too can trace back to Nicholas Snow and Constance Hopkins
I traced my Ancestry thru the Bailey’s to Elizabeth Walker dau.of William Walker and Sara Snow.Daughter of Nicolas Snow and Constance Hopkins.I’m just not sure if its the right Sara Snow because of comments by other people researching her.Would love to finally know.All my Ancestor’s have been here since the 1600 and 1700’s.Balls,Baileys,Brashear,Lewis,Costen,Eskridge,Kenner,Rodham,Bonum,just to name a few.
BTW, I am also a descendant of Mary Warren (9thGGmother) through:
Joseph Bartlett
Mary Bartlett/John Barnes
Seth Barnes
Benjamin Barnes -b1736
Benjamin Barnes – b1764
Abigail Barnes/Eleazer Williams
John Spafford Williams
Sarah Ann Williams/Alva Winters
Erma Winters (my grandmother)
My grandson, Tristen Alden Beck born in 2008, is also a descendant of John Alden. Tristen’s mother, Amy Elizabeth Washburn is the 3rd daughter born to Howard Alden Washburn and Lillian Ferrell Farley Washburn. Howard Alden Washburn, born in 1943 Springfield, Mass., is the son of John Arthur Washburn and Sarah Fuller Pease b. August 9, 1913. Sarah Fuller Pease is Tristen Alden Beck’s Great Grandmother and is the descendant of both the Alden’s and the Fuller’s.
I’m a descendant of Myles Standish, Military Governor of Plymouth Colony. My great great grandfather, Nathan Parrish, was married to Rebecca Rhodes. Rebecca Rhodes great grandmother was Mehidable Standish. Mehidable Standish’s great grandfather was Myles Standish.
I have researched for years and know I descend from John Alden and Pricilla Mullins from their daughter Ruth Alden Bass and her daughter Hanah and etc.
Elder William Brewster through my mother’s side.
I also am a descendant of William white and George Soul they are both my eight times great-grandfather’s through my mother’s father side. My great-grandmother was Lucy Soule b. 1865 d. 1928.
I feel I am lucky because I am not only a descendant from one, but actually three of mayflower passengers. Peregrine White was my 7 times great grandfather, William White, his father, was my 8 times great grandfather. Also George Soule was another 8 times great grandfather.. All three are linked through my mothers, fathers mother; Lucy Soule (my maternal great grand mother). Her (Lucy Soule’s) grandfather (my 3 times grand father) is the connection; His name was Samuel White Soule. He is the direct descendant of all three passengers. His parents were John Soule and Abigail White.
My mother’s sister in law is responsible for doing our Family research. We have all documents to prove our lineage.
Mine as well
I, too, am a granddaughter of Mary Chilton on my paternal grandmother’s side and Edward Doty on my paternal grandfather’s side. I grew up in Indiana.
Did not know this part of history. I wish we would learn our history as it really was, rather than what some author of school texts wants us to know. That said, still proud to have three ancestors on the Mayflower. They were brave people.
I too am a direct descendant of Stephen Hopkins through his son Giles. My mother’s maiden name is Hopkins. We are from Nova Scotia but now live in Brampton Ontario.
William (The Elder) Brewster, is my 8th great-grandfather of husband of 1st cousin 2x removed on my Maternal Grandmother’s side
I am a descendent of John Howland. I discovered him quite by accident one day as I was searching my family tree back 9 generations on Family Search. I found my 9th great grandmother who was his daughter Desire. . His wife Elizabeth Tilley and her parents were also on the Mayflower. I think the most amazing thing I found out about him was that he nearly lost his life going overboard but managed to grab the halyard. Knowing that I have roots that deep to this country has had a profound effect on me and my family. We are an integral part of the US’s history.
Fascinating! May I share this (reprint it) in the newsletter of the Anoka County Genealogical Society, and if so,please advise how to credit the article. Also, is there an associated fee for sharing this way? Thank you.
I am also a descendant of Mary Allerton as well: Mary, Isaac Cushman, RebeccaMithcell, Noah Mitchell, Susannah Mitchell, Royal, Isaac Royal Sr, Isaac Royal Jr, Sarah Royal Stone, Thomas Charles Stone, Walter Stone and Virgina Stone Larrabe.
Mary Allerton Cushman (1616-1699) is my 9th Great Grandomother. Her son Isaac Cushman (1648-1732) 8th Great Grandfather. His daughter Rebecca Cushman Mitchell (1678-1756) is my 7th Great Grandmother. Her son Noah Mitchell (1712-unknown) is my 6th Great Grandfather. Susannah Mitchell Royal (1741-unknown) is my 5th Great Grandmother. Isaac Royal Sr (1765-1816) is my 4th Great Grandfather. Isaac Royal Jr (1793-1861) is my 3rd Great Grandfather. Sally/Sarah Royal Stone (1820-1884) is my 2nd Great Grandmother. Thomas Charles Stone (1856-1934) is my Great Grandfather. Walter Samuel Stone (1899-1949) is my Grandfather. Virginia M Stone Larrabee (1937) is my mother.
Peter – I too am a Decendant of John and Pricilla 🙂 What’s up Cousin?
I am also a descendant of Thomas Rogers through William Wesley Hall. My father did his DNA test and it was verified.
I am a descendant of John Alden and Pricilla Mullens. My great grand father was William Henry Allen and his wife Cora Buffington Chandler. My mother who is 94 has related many stories. Her maiden name: Nancy Alice Bowen.
My grandmothers name was Ester Armington Allen who married Charles Wetter Bowen.
I am related to John Howland and Richard Warren. is as trustworthy as you are. If you put a lot of work into researching your own line (not using member trees) then you should be fine. If, however, you use only member trees then you will be stuck with a huge mess of incorrect data.
I’m also a descendant of Mary Allerton Cushman, so that makes us cousins. My line moved to New Hampshire, then to Michigan, and finally to Texas. My great grandfather, D. C. Smith was a Hamilton County, Texas, judge following the American Civil War, who married Andora Keesee, the first woman to graduate with a university degree in Texas.
My great grandma has records of being related to William bradford
I have been a member in good standing with the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) for almost 10 years. Out of curiosity, I submitted at DNA test and the results were mind-blowing. THAT in turn left more questions and one of those questions was wondering if I am a descendant of the Mayflower. John Clarke IS in my lineage. Are there other in that lineage too?
I am a descendant of Mary (Allerton) Cushman. My distant grandfather, Robert Cushman, (who played an important part in organizing the voyage) and his son Thomas were passengers on the ship Fortune, which set sail for America along with the Mayflower. The ship Fortune ran into trouble and had to turn back for England. After a short period of time Robert and Thomas made a successful voyage to America. Seeing the need to return again to England Robert leaves Thomas with William Brewster. Sadly, while still in England Robert died leaving Thomas to be raised by the Brewster family. Mary Allerton and Thomas Cushman later marry. Through research I have discovered that both my parents link way up the line to Simeon Cushman. Thanks for the insight on the needed documents to file to make this dream of mine a reality by officially connecting my descendants with The Mayflower Society.
I think I have traced our roots back to William Bradford but I used and I don’t know if that site is very trustworthy, does anyone have an opinion on that?
I am currently trying to find the family tie to the Mayflower. Our direct descendant is Bathsheba Joyce. She is listed in one of the Mayflower Descendants (volume VII No. 1), but I can only find a connection to her great-uncle John Howland. Would you be recognized as a Mayflower Descendant through an uncle or am I missing a connection? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! I am working on a family history book for my husband for Father’s Day and I would love to add this in there.
I am also a descendant of Thomas Rogers, through his son John Rogers who came over approx. 10 yrs later and through his daughter Abigail Rogers who married into the Richmond family. I’ve only recently learned all this and it’s been pretty exciting.
I am a descendant of George Soule and also William White, George Soule Was My 9th gr grandfather!
One of George soules Descendants married William whites descendant 4-5 generations down the line!
My gr gr Grandmother was Caroline Soule:)
I descended from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fuller both through their son Samuel who was on the Mayflower as well as their son Matthew (who came over in a later ship). I also descend from Edward Doty and Governor William Bradford. The closest surname to me was great-great grandmother was a Doty in direct line of descent of Edward Doty.
Guess what? My mind must be going- LOL!!. My brother-in-law is Ben Thomas from Sarnia. His parents were Murray & Ruth Thomas.
I am a descendant of SILAS AYERS and MARY BYRAM AYERS, who are the descendants of TWELVE of the original Pilgrims (from the three ships that brought them over). The MAYFLOWER, FORTUNE and the LITTLE JOHN.
There is an interesting old book called:
“Ancestors of Silas Ayers and Mary Byram Ayers”. It was published around 1905 in Detroit, MI.
Go to this link to see the book:
If you can trace your family tree back to Silas and Mary Byram Ayers, you are eligible to be part of FIVE different groups:
-The Society of Mayflower Descendants
-The Society of Colonial Wars
-Sons of the American Revolution
-Daughters of the American Revolution
-The Alden Kindred of America
Silas Ayers was in the MINUTE MEN in New Jersey and was in the Revolutionary War.
It would be interesting to see who else is a descendant of Silas and Mary Byram Ayers – and their ancestors the original Pilgrims!
I’ve been doing the ancestry website and have traced back to Thomas Rogers. I sent my DNA out and am waiting for a response. I had no idea.
I found out that on my Dad’s side I’m related to Peregrine White. He was the first English person born in the new colony (and was in fact born on the Mayflower itself while docked in the harbor). My parents are from Poughkeepsie, NY and it was really cool to find out that some of the descendants from Peregrine White later settled in the Dutchess County area and that is eventually where my grandfather and father come from. I love finding out about this kind of stuff!
Several months ago I was on another site and John Clark was listed as a passanger on the Mayflower. They stated he was the first one off the ship. Was this not correct.
You are correct Crystal. St. Augustine is the oldest city in the USA. Florida 4th graders learn about our Florida roots and the early settlers of our state. St. Augustine is a favorite field trip for both students and teachers each year. Thanks for sharing.
My ancestors arrived at least 40 years prior to the Mayflower, Spanish St Augustine and Santa Elena had grandchildren running around and businesses fully established by the time the Mayflower got to N America. We had the first European Thanksgiving, held Sept 8, 1565. My family, with the surname Solana, arrived only 7 years prior to the Mayflower, but married into a family, the Peres, that was well established by that time. Solana is the oldest European name to have been continuously documented in this country. I might also have Mayflower via my mother’s side or the settlers who married into the Solana family once FL became a US Territory in 1821, but I feel compelled to remind people that the history of our country extends to the Spanish colony of La Florida, a forgotten chapter in most school curriculums. For us, Sir Francis Drake was a pirate who burned our church and town to the ground rather than a hero of English history. Nuestra Señora de los Remedios was the first church built here, with its congregation buried under the floor. An archaeological dig is currently ongoing, making discoveries of that lost time in our past. St Augustine will turn 452 this year, come celebrate and learn, the town is charming and welcoming.
Wow! we are distant cousins. This past summer, quite by accident I found I’m a 9th great granddaughter of Isaac Allerton and his 2nd wife fear Brewster, daughter of William Brewster. Which also makes William Brewster my 10th great grandfather. It seems Isaac & Fear’s are the 4th great grandparents of Rachel Allerton and she married a Reeves. The Reeves line continues down to me.
Hi there can I ask if you have found any relation to George Soule to Thomas Soule and Mary Soule nee Iddenden? Mary was a relative of mine. Many thanks
There was a John Adams that came over on the Fortune in the fall of 1621. But I don’t think this was the presidential lineage of Adams.
I too are descendant of them.. if you want or need any info let me know [email protected]
I am in fact a direct descendant of William Bradford, second governor of the Plymouth Colony.
Hello Kay,
My name is Jan Corley and Stephen Hopkins is a distant grandfather of mine through his son, Giles. I live in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada and thoroughly enjoy genealogy. If you would like to connect, you can reach me at [email protected]
Hi- just scrolling thru & saw your post, my husband is a descendant of Francis Eaton. His paternal grandmother Inez Hurd is the connection, family still is in the lumber business.
I am also related to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins on my mothers side. In addition there is a connection to Edward Fuller.
I had a delightful New Year’s Eve surprise when I made the final connections on to Giles Hopkins, Stephen Hopkin’s son. Dozens of distant relatives had already done the research online in Ancestry, so all I had to do is follow the path of little green leaves through generations of my family until I arrived at Plymouth and boarded the Mayflower. Our family has had some proud, elderly historians, who successfully made the connections to the DAR and DAC, but they sure “missed the boat” with our Mayflower ties!
Adamses, on the Mayflower? Perhaps you meant to say that Joseph Adams married Hannah Bass, who was the daughter of Ruth Alden and John Bass, and a granddaughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins? Joseph and Hannah were the grandparents of John Adams. John Bass’ parents, Joseph Bass and Anne Savill came in 1630 with Winthrop’s fleet.
I, too, have found this research of my family lines amazing! I stumbled on the Mayflower link when I researched my G Grandmother on my father’s side and found she was from the Loud family who had a published line from William Brewster through his son Jonathan. Verifying and documenting the Mayflower Society’s requirements for the last 3 generations has been the expensive and frustrating part. As of 2016, the society requires the following from you, your parents and grandparents on both sides (doesn’t matter if the parent or grandparent is not a carrier of the Mayflower gene)…death certificate state certified ( obituaries, pictures of grave stones do not count)…marriage license state certified ( church certificate does not count)…state certified birth certificate (baptism certificate and family Bible records do not count) and if you do not have these for the 6 people, including yourself and your spouse, you will not be approved by the Mayflower Society. I have just ordered my last needed certificate for my grandmother ( a picture of her grave stone and published obituary have already been provided) and hope this will finalize all the research that I have done. It is expensive, but I hope it will be worth it to future family descendants who wish to apply.
Hello: Trying to determine if my Tilley line is from the same Mayflower Tllley line. I have Elizabeth Tilley B: 1632 Springfield, MA who married Thomas Merrick B: 1620. All the information I have found, suggests that Elizabeth Tilley may be the grandaughter of John Tilley (Mayflower) and Edith Camp. I have done DNA testing through Ancestry and have also uploaded to GEDmatch, would love for someone with a proven match to John Tilley to compare my DNA to see if my line goes there are well.
Totally agree with you about a “central database”. I have started my Brewster line and would certainly appreciate other approved research beside the 1st five generations.
My family has been aware that Mary Chilton is our Grandmother through my Fathers bloodline since the early 1900’s, but was very surprised to find out recently that we also Have John Howland as our Grandfather on my Mothers side! How unusual is that, that both of my parents have Grandparents from the Mayflower? I have lived within 20 miles of Plymouth, Ma. all of my life and have found ancestors in every cemetery I’ve looked at in central to Eastern Ma.
Just getting started with my family Mayflower Genealogy Research; just finished Sons of American Revolution (SAR) research and now have become a member of SAR thanks to my patriot ancestors. Looking for Mayflower connections with family names: HUMPHREY; SPRAGUE & HERSEY. Surely with the importance of Mayflower descendants a “central database” has been established without having to reinvent the wheel each time.
Thank you so much Anissa. I was looking for the submission process for my Brewster Line . I found the Indiana site, filled in the required lineage and sent it to the historian. Generally, how long to get a reply to my proposed lineage?
Yes Jan I have. Nice city.
importantly you have left out of the list , the Adams
ancestors of John Adams USA President and his wife Abigail Smith (I am related
I am connected to Stephen Hopkins thru his son Giles. Stephen is my 11thgg. If any one wants to connect, I would love that. [email protected]
Grandparents- William Watson Butcher- Adelaide McIloney.
1stGG- John William Butcher- Florence Elizabeth Bacon.
2ndGG- Mark Thomas Butcher- Mary Jane Wills.
3rdGG- John Watson Butcher- Frances Maria Hart.
4thGG- Thomas Godfrey Hart- Ann Ross.
5thGG- Jairus Hart- Frances Godfrey.
6thGG- Gideon Godfrey- Sarah Hadley.
7thGG- Benjamin Godfrey- Elizabeth Hopkins.
8thGG- Moses Godfrey- Deborah Cooke.
9thGG- Deborah Hopkins- Josiah Cooke, Jr.
10thGG- Giles Hopkins- Katherine Wheldon.
11thGG- Stephen Hopkins- Mary ? This is his first wife.
My parents- Miriam Butcher- Fairful William Given ( dad is deceased- mom is 90 ).
Me- Jan Given- Frank Donald Corley ( we are divorced but I still go by Corley ).
Oh I know where Sarnia is. My brother-in-law was from there. Their last name is Thomas but don’t think any more of his relatives are there. But genealogy is so interesting. By the way, have you ever been to Peterborough?
Catherine, so I’m guessing that makes us what, 10th cousins……..????
Hi Jan, no such luck! I’m in Petrolia, which is near Sarnia. Basically at the US border wth Port Huron, Michigan. Cheers though cousin, haha. The world keeps getting smaller hey.
I am a direct descendant of Stephen Hopkins through his son, Giles. This is fascinating!! I live in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Deanna Huff, what part of Ontario is your family from? Maybe we are neighbours.
Jan Corley
Also my 11th great grandfather through Constance and Nicholas’s son Stephen.
Constance Hopkins, daughter of Stephen Hopkins, is my 10th great grandmother – I am related through the Snows down to Aaron Thomas – to Nortons and Beemans
The article states you can send your line to GSMD and for $25 they will prove your line. This is incorrect. They will do a preliminary review for $25. This means you submit your proposed line (no documentation) and they will let you know which generations are already proven and which ones you will need to provide documentation for. Membership to GSMD is done on a state level, so find your state historian and they can help you through the process.
I am working on a friends family history he is directly related to 14 different lines of the Mayflower.
Edward is my great grandfather ancestor to America. Then it goes down through his son Isaac eventually to a Mary Doty who married into the Seaman family and they come to Canada around Pugwash, Nova Scotia. Katherine Margaret Seaman, dtr of a Stephen, married Trenholm. Then down through to my grandmother Celestia Trenholm marrying Frank Read.
What happened to John Howland?
Through which one of his children?
I am a direct descendant of Stephen Hopkins and have done all the research to prove it. I submitted my application in July to belong to the Descendants of the Mayflower and now i am waiting. I learned about Stephen Hopkins while researching another genealogy line so you can imagine my surprise !! He was like my 10 G Grandfather back.
I have done some research to find out if I’m a descendent. I have found it very expensive. Also the Mayflower Society is also very expensive to join. With a possible 35 million membership base they would be helping anyway possible to increase the membership. But, I have found the complete opposite. The society is, seems to me, very secretive and exclusive. I have done my research. I have found a link to the Mayflower. I don’t need the Mayflower Society to confirm.
btw, this family line has been in eastern and southwestern Ontario, Canada since late 1700’s
Stephen Hopkins is 11th gr grandfather.
Descent through:
his daughter Constance Hopkins, m Nicholas Snow
her daughter Mary Snow, m Thomas Paine Sr
her son Elisha Paine, m Rebecca Doane
his daughter Dorcas Paine, m David Adams
her daughter Leah Adams, m Isaiah Cain
her daughter Rebecca Cain, m Capt John Wood
her daughter Hannah Wood, m Thomas Mallory Andress
her daughter Rebecca Andress, m James Shephard
her son David Orville Shephard, m Anne Ellen Mackley
his daughter Iva Ellen Shephard, m Douglas Martin Miller
her daughter Nadine Anne Miller, m John Harold Huff
her son Robert John Huff, m Carol Anne Rosenbloom
me, Deanna Marie Huff
I started researching my family ancestry a few years ago and got quite far back on my fathers side on a few lines but started running into all sorts of brick walls so I put the research on hold. A few weeks ago, I decided to try doing some research on my mothers line and I accidentally discovered a direct line of descent from my great grandmother to a family of pilgrims that helped settle Plymouth Mass., though they did not arrive on the Mayflower.
My 10th great grandparents, John and Sarah Jenney sailed a few years (1623) after on a ship called “The Little James”. They were part of the group that went to Leiden Holland in the early 1600s with William Brewster and the other pilgrims but for some reason they decided not to embark on the Mayflower and instead waited until 1623 to make the journey to New England. Once they arrived in Plymouth, they quickly became an important part of the new colony by erecting the 1st successful “Grist Mill” for grinding corn into mill and flour. John also created the 1st salt works for the colony and was part of the early governing council. Family records indicate that they were close friends of William Bradford and Miles Standish among others.
I thought this was cool enough knowing that they were my ancestors until I started researching the lines branching from them and to my utter amazement, a few days ago I discovered that I am also directly descended from a line of the Mayflower Passengers and then this evening I discovered that I am also descended from a 2nd line. . The 1st line is Isaac and Mary Allerton , who were my 11th great grandparents and their daughter Mary (Allerton) Cushman, who was my 10th great grandmother. The 2nd line is that of Richard and Elizabeth Warren, who were also my 11th great grandparents. Thier daughter Mary was my 10th great grandmother. I am just beginning the process of documenting my research in order to get my lineage proved and it is one of the most amazing journeys I have ever embarked upon. I have never been to New England and now I can’t wait for the day when I can walk upon the lands and buildings that my families helped build. It is to be a very special thanksgiving this year.
I just discovered that my mother’s side goes back to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins, both of whom were Mayflower passengers. This was the side of my family I knew the least about until I started doing research on Fascinating!
I just found that my daughters and granddaughters are descended from the Tilley’s daughter, Elizabeth and her husband John Howland. We are in Indiana.
I have traced my roots clear back to the Mayflower. Elizabeth Tilly and her parents and John Howland are both grandparents of mine. I can trace from them all the way down to my birth in 1967 on my mother’s side.
Melanie Mayo, my husband is a Mayo. We live in Dallas, Tx. Do you have your genealogy so we might see if there is a relationship?
mary aurora Thompson was my ggreat grandmother and her daughter ada simpson Sherwood was already approved now I have the burden of finding documents to lead just back to her . they are in the francis cooke book . mary cooke and john Thompson line
I am related to two of them – Thomas Rogers and Stephen Hopkin
I am related to an few of them as I have discovered while doing research and always double checking and such.. It would seem I am related to ::
John Alden Sr Priscilla MullinsPriscilla Mullins Alden (1602 – 1685)
BIRTH 1598 • Harwich, Essex, England
DEATH SEP. 12, 1687 • South Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
11th great-grandfather\
William Mullins
BIRTH 1578 • Dorking, Surrey, England
DEATH FEB. 21, 1621 • Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
12th great-grandfather
Thomas Rogers
BIRTH 1586 • Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England
DEATH NOV. 1638 • Watertown Middlesex County Massachusetts, USA
5th cousin 11x removed
George Soule
BIRTH 9 FEBRUARY 1593 • Eckington, Wychavon District, Worcestershire, England
DEATH 22 JANUARY 1680 • Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA
11th great-grandfather
Edward Doty is an ancestor of mine
Don’t need to take a course (even at 15% off) to know that William Bradford is my great great great great great great great great great great grandfather.
I would love to find a possible connection to any of the Mayflower passengers. My mother told me and my siblings that she was told growing up, that she descended from an ancestor on the Mayflower. She said she could dance with a cup of water on her head without upsetting it, and could lift one end of a bale of cotton. My mother was the 5th of seven siblings. None of the cousins from my mom’s siblings have heard this story in their families. Later on, my cousin found the story about my 3rd great grandmother, Elizabeth Andrews Hayes Parker. A historian published a newspaper article back in 1899, about her. It was said could dance with a cup of water on her head without upsetting it. But I have never been able to prove her connection to the Mayflower. It is said her father was Warren Andrews, but I cannot prove it. She was born in 1751, in Fairfax, VA, along the Roanoke River. She and her brother and sister were orphaned, and she was raised by a wealthy Quaker family, and given a good education. She lived to be 110 tears old.
My mom always told me that her maternal lineage went back to the Mayflower (Eaton/Heaton) . Decades ago went to Duxbury , Mass archives/library where some Mayflower records are kept and sure enough there was a footnote stating that sometimes Eaton was spelled with the “H”. So please consider various spelling. Anyway Samuel may have been some relative but with ancestry help and input from distant cousins I discovered my lineage was connected to another famous ship — the LAMB and not the Mayflower. I had the wonderful experience of journeying to Settle, England in October 2015 to see the Quaker Meeting House of which my relative Robert Heaton was a member and on first Quaker ship arrival. Family verbally carryied this information for 300 plus years of America’s history as family members spread out over the United States through the western frontiers of KY, OH, LA, MS, TX, CA etc. but some where the ships got confused but the American historical significance — early settlers, adventurers, freedom— remained.
Hey Vickie. I have Whites on my maternal grandfather’s side . . . we may be related. Not sure when I will have the time, but I’d love to see if we’re connected! How awesome would that be? I have very limited information about my family, as I am just now getting started. Do you mind sharing what you know about the Whites you’re connected to? Thank you so much!
I want to prove my grandmother, Maude White’s line for her.She was adopted in 1900 by John and Ella Braatz. I dont have a lot of energy or time left. I have Fibrosis of the lungs for which there is no cure. most of what they want I have it’s just a matter of getting it together.
Eight Mayflower pilgrims ,never dismiss female lines. Found all eight through one female ancestor grandmother.
I am a direct descendant of at least two families. Would love to be in the Mayflower Society but can’t afford the cost. Such a shame, keeping people out because of this.
Relative Finder can be freely used with the FamilySearch Family Tree to determine relationships. It may find a Mayflower ancestor (or a relationship to any number of other well known people – movie stars, US Presidents, British Royalty, Authors) IF a tree is already well enough established there. The accuracy of the links between each generation needs to be verified and a FamilySearch account is needed. See
I’m related, too, through 7 different lines but didn’t feel the need to prove it. I can’t even get my direct relatives to care about genealogy so no point in spending money to prove anything.
I am descended from 7 on the Mayflower passengers, Constance Hopkins, Stephen Hopkins, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Tilley and William Brewster. All on my mother’s side of the family. My aunt is a member of the Mayflower society. Brewster Line. I did all the research for my aunt and you have to have every birth, marriage and death record going back many generation. Not that easy when you get back into the 17 and 1800’s. Luckily I only had to prove back about 5 generation to tap into a proven line. When my aunt became a member they had a really cool dinner for all new members and their families. It sure changes how I view Thanksgiving.
I am related to the Brewster’s & Bradford’s on my mom’s mom’s side. I am related through the LeBaron’s!
Ashley Judd is one – as shown on her episode of “Who Do You Think You Are”. She is descended from William Brewster
I wrote about my discovery of my previously unknown Mayflower ancestry on my blog