Beginner Genealogy Research Help

Which Ancestry Membership is Best for You in 2025?

By far the most popular paid genealogy membership site out there, Ancestry has a huge number of records, tools and resources to help researchers at any level. But which several levels of access it can be hard to know which Ancestry membership is best for your needs.

10 Things Family Historians Find the Most Annoying

OK, OK, we promise this article is all in good fun. After all, we genealogists are usually fairly easy-going folks, and goodness knows we’re patient — after all, we’ve waited ten whole years for the 1950 census! But, alas, sometimes even the best of us let things get under our skin (even if we know we shouldn’t).

Where to Search for Free Obituaries Online

Whether you’re hoping to find the obituary, death or funeral notice of someone dear to you, or to uncover more facts about an ancestor, the following guide will help you locate the records you’re looking for.

The 10 Hard Truths Every Family Historian Must Learn

If you’re just starting to build your family tree, or if you’ve simply put it aside due to frustration or defeat, listen up. You’re not alone in your family history challenges, and perhaps having a better understanding up front of what to expect down the road will help you overcome them.