Yes, You CAN Download Your Tree From – Here’s How
Can you download your family tree from The answer is yes. We see this question quite a bit so we thought we’d quickly show you how.
Can you download your family tree from The answer is yes. We see this question quite a bit so we thought we’d quickly show you how.
Do you host your family tree online? Have you backed up your genealogy files to the cloud? If you said yes to either question, you are certainly not alone. Many family historians today choose to store their trees on the web. And there are many benefits to doing so — easy setup, access from anywhere, simple sharing …
Who Actually Owns the Family Tree You Have Online? Read More »
This quiz is designed to be fun, to give you a laugh and something to share with friends. But it’s also a wonderful way to help you identify areas where you can improve your research techniques and become a better family historian!
Are you interested in finally searching out the truth behind that old family story about a Native American ancestor? Or perhaps you already know that the story is true, but you’re not quite sure where to go next. Luckily, there are many online guides, records collections and specialized resources that can help you on your journey. Here’s where …
Do You Have Hidden Native American Ancestry? Here’s How to Find Out Read More »
By Susan Wallin Mosey — “Trees without roots fall over.”—anonymous My husband isn’t interested in genealogy. He tries hard—but if I go on about it for more than a minute or two, his eyes glaze over. It seems that people are either very interested in genealogy, or not at all. For those who are interested but …
Yes, free genealogy research is possible. Here’s how to avoid spending money on your ancestry research without limiting your family tree.
Whether you’re fairly new to genealogy, or a seasoned pro, you’ve most likely used Recently they released some seriously awesome improvements and we couldn’t help but take the time to share some of the reasons we love, love, love the LDS family history website now more than ever. 5 Reasons Why is the … 5 Reasons We Love the LDS Family History Website Read More »