Melanie Mayo

How I Finally Broke Down a 10-Year-Old Brick Wall in 10 Minutes

I’ve been doing family history research for 20 years and, like everyone, I’ve encountered a few brick walls. Although I have been successful in breaking most of those down using solid research techniques, one or two remain. One in particular has haunted me for more than a decade – the parents of one of my 3rd great grandparents. Unable to locate this information I have had to leave this branch of my tree undeveloped.

A DNA Test for Ancestry is the Perfect Last Minute Holiday Gift

With the holidays on the horizon top DNA testing companies MyHeritage, Family Tree DNA and Ancestry are celebrating with discounts on their tests.  If you’re hoping to score a deal (or buy multiple tests as gifts) this is a great time to do it. You’ll find links for the best deals below.