Help and How-To

Confused About Citing Sources in Your Family Tree? Let’s Make it Easy

When all we wish to do is locate our ancestors, and fill in the gaps in our family tree, taking the time to document our sources can seem like an extra, tedious task. But, if we want to create a tree that has true value, citing sources is not optional. It’s also not as complicated as you might think.

New Tool is Changing the Way We See Old Photos: Here’s How to Use It

MyHeritage has created two advanced photo enhancing tools that will help you get to know your ancestors in a whole new way. MyHeritage in Color, coupled with the site’s Photo Enhancer technology, can transform your old family photos into sharp and vibrant images that reveal previously hidden details.

How to Print Your Family Tree, and Why You Shouldn’t

When someone asks to see your family tree, what do you do? Your first instinct might be to go to your online tree and hit “Print.” But is printing your tree really the best option? In this article we’ll show you how to do it, and why you might be better served by finding another method.