Help and How-To

How to Print Your Family Tree, and Why You Shouldn’t

When someone asks to see your family tree, what do you do? Your first instinct might be to go to your online tree and hit “Print.” But is printing your tree really the best option? In this article we’ll show you how to do it, and why you might be better served by finding another method.

How to Build a Family Tree and Find Your Ancestors

If you’re a beginner to genealogy research and want to know how to find your ancestors you’re no doubt asking yourself, “where should I start?” This easy guide will show you just what you need to know in a few easy steps.

Stop Hiding Your Old Family Photos! 14 Ways to Put Them on Display

If you’ve been itching to dig out those dusty old shoeboxes and piles of inherited photo albums but you’re just not sure where to start – read on. It’s time to think outside the frame and discover some new and exciting ways to display old family photos around your home.

8 Things an Expert Would Definitely Do to Your Family Tree

Ever had an expert look at your tree? Professional genealogists often run family trees through a set of standard diagnostic tests and tweaks to improve them. We have created a list of the most important ones so you can apply them yourself. Use this list to examine your own genealogy research and see where you can make big improvements.