Family History Daily

African American Genealogy: A Guide to Finding Your Ancestors Online

Anyone who has spent time doing family history research knows the many challenges involved in building a family tree with complete and accurate information – but researching African American ancestors can present its own unique set of complications. In this guide we talk about how to get started, discuss common challenges and highlight the best resources to help you uncover your family’s roots.

Free Family Tree Lesson Plans for Kids and Teens

Free family history lesson plans can make the job of teaching genealogy to kids and teens simple and fun. Here are the very best resources for homeschoolers, classroom educators and librarians.

How to Build a Family Tree and Find Your Ancestors

If you’re a beginner to genealogy research and want to know how to find your ancestors you’re no doubt asking yourself, “where should I start?” This easy guide will show you just what you need to know in a few easy steps.

Stop Hiding Your Old Family Photos! 14 Ways to Put Them on Display

If you’ve been itching to dig out those dusty old shoeboxes and piles of inherited photo albums but you’re just not sure where to start – read on. It’s time to think outside the frame and discover some new and exciting ways to display old family photos around your home.

6 Unique Family Tree Craft Projects To Keep You Busy This Fall

Love genealogy and creating? We’ve rounded up 6 family tree craft projects that are perfect for beginners and experts alike – and each and every project will produce a keepsake-quality end result that you’ll be proud to show off or gift to others.

10 Places to Find the Free Genealogy Printables You Need

Looking for free printables to aid in your genealogy research? The right chart, form, template or worksheet can do wonders for any family historian hoping to get organized or trying to break down a frustrating brick wall. Here are 10 places you’ll find them for free.

Confusing Military Terms from the American Revolution and Civil War Period Explained

As you dive deeper into your family history you will likely run across terminology that you have not seen before or that you may not fully understand. Even those of us who have made history a profession will sometimes run across terms that are no longer used or that have a specific application that’s unfamiliar. This guide explores confusing military terms from the Civil War and the American Revolution to help you with your genealogy research.