Beginner Genealogy Research Help

How to Build a Family Tree and Find Your Ancestors

If you’re a beginner to genealogy research and want to know how to find your ancestors you’re no doubt asking yourself, “where should I start?” This easy guide will show you just what you need to know in a few easy steps.

You Can Start a Genealogy Club in Your Area: Here’s How

Collaborating with others is one of the most cherished aspects of genealogy. While it’s entirely possible to make great progress conducting your family history research completely on your own, working and sharing with like-minded folks can be both helpful and a whole lot of fun.

4 Simple Steps to Help You Decipher Old Family Photos

Hoping to figure out who is in an old family photo, what year it was taken or what the reason for the shot was? There is no doubt that discovering the who, when, where and why of family pictures is one of the most rewarding forms of genealogical sleuthing there is, but the job can seem nearly impossible. The good news is, there are some strategies that can help. If you’ve been lucky enough to get your hands on some old images, following the steps below can help you finally decipher them.

5 Strategies for Locating Marriage Records and the Vital Details They Contain

Marriage Records are an essential part of family history research and are one of the best ways to find the ever-elusive maiden name of a woman – as well as parents’ names, ages and occupations, residence and religious beliefs. If you have not found such a record for every married couple in your tree, you are missing out.

Two People, Same Name: How to Avoid Mix-ups in Your Genealogy Research

Recently I have been searching diligently for my husband’s German ancestors and I’ve run into that age-old genealogy problem – how do I distinguish between two unrelated people who have the same name, similar ages and live near each other? Or two people from the same family with the same name?

2 of the Top 3 Paid Genealogy Sites Offer Millions of Records for Free

Genealogy is an endless treasure hunt and, if you’re not careful, you can spend a lot of your own treasure building your family tree. Subscriptions to the popular paid genealogy sites like Ancestry and MyHeritage can cost hundreds of dollars a year. That’s why, when you discover your fourth-great-grandmother for free, it truly feels like you’ve stuck gold! And it’s why we are all about mining the vast genealogy resources on the internet for free records.

The Dos and Don’ts for Preserving Old Family Photos at Home

For the family history researcher, finding a stash of old family photographs can be a true genealogy jackpot! And while our first inclination might be to hang them right up on the wall for everyone to see – this may not be the best idea. Here’s how you should handle them.